create your own web page


This quiz was created as Ethereum distributed app (smart contract).
This quiz allows you to win by guessing balance of the smart contract.
This quiz can not be nodified during lifetime since decentralization.
This quiz has not central servers - no one can stop or block it.
Be free!!!!


1. When someone sends transaction with 0.01 ETH value to quiz (smart contract), it divides transaction value into two parts with randomly selected sizes.
2. Quiz transfers first part of value to quiz owner and saves second part on smart contract balance.
3. So, after each transaction no one can know balance of smart contract after transaction.
4. If you (or someone) increased balance over 1 ETH, smart contract will transfer you exactly 1 ETH immediatelly!
5. Rest of smart contract's balance became starting value of next round of quiz.
6. Each new participant imcreases difficulty of result's prediction, so each new user makes process more interesting!


1. Given the cryptocurrency nature of the quiz, the registration of participants coming from various partners is carried out by multiplexing the lifetime of smart contract working between partners with fixing the remuneration in the form of a fixed interest rate on all receipts transferred from smart contract to operator in accordance with the Ethereum blockchain records for this smart contract.
2. The size of the affiliate renumeration depends on the timeframe amount for each partner and will negotiated individually.
3. The maximum partner reward is 25% of the funds, transfered from smart contract to operator in accordance with Ethereum blockchain records in given timeframe.           4. All affiliate payments withdraws on weekly basis. 

Why Choose Us


Truly unpredictable

It is almost impossible to predict due to the decentralized character of the Ethereum.
No one can predict how many people will send their transactions at the same time.
No one can predict how much of transaction's value will expensed by dapp.


Truly unstoppable

Smart contract has not any central servers or other kind of centralized architecture - you can use it without website or other potentially stoppable ways. Ethereum blockchain has not any central entrypoint, so it can be stopped only when all Ethereum network will stopped.


Truly Fair play

All transactions in Ethereum network are transparent - anyone can check it in any monent from any block explorer website or manually from single node, running anywhere. Taking into account unpredictability and unstoppability of quiz no one can modify rules of quiz,


How to participate?

For participate, you need ethereum wallet, for example, in your smartphone. 
Just scan QR code with quiz address and amount - 0.01 ETH and confirm transaction. If you won, you wallet will funded on 1 ETH. 
If you did not won, try again (or look for quiz balance in block explorer website - closer to 1 ETH you will have more chances to win).
For exploring quiz balance, please click on QR code image and you will redirected to block explorer with selected smart contract address.

What mobile based Ethereum wallet can I use?

You can use any mobile wallet, according to your smartphone capabilities and OS - for example, you can use Trust Wallet (available for Android and iOs simultaneously) - it supports QR code scanning and buying Ethereum just from app


Send us your questions and suggestions - also you can send requests for affiliation program's conditions.


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